Paying For College

Office of Financial Aid
Local Phone: (575)392-5172
Toll-Free: (800)657-6260
Fax: (575)492-2559
Veterans Benefits 
Ruth Rios
Phone: (575)492-2561
十大正规网赌软件 Foundation Scholarships
Amanda Baker
Tina Kunko

Phone: (575)492-2785
Admin Building Room 111


studentsMaking College Affordable 

最靠谱的网赌软件的学费是最低的 costs in the state.

Finally, a higher-education option that won't leave you 
drowning in debt. With our low tuition rates, New Mexico 初级学院不仅在新墨西哥州,而且在整个地区都是最有价值的大学之一.
learn, explore and discover your passion, your career, your life!

Tuition and Fees

十大正规网赌软件 in-district resident tuition (Lea County Resident) 每学期十五(15)小时或更长时间的最高费用:600美元

New Mexico Out-of-District Resident Tuition 每学期十五(15)小时或更长时间的最高费用:900美元.00

Out-of-State Resident Tuition 每学期十五(15)小时或更长时间的最高费用:1,125美元.00

 General Usage Fee $20.00 Per Credit Hour
Internet Course Fee $40.00 Per Course
Interactive Television Course (ITV) $40.00 Per Course  
 Dishonored Check Fee $25.00 Per Check
Transcript Fee (Official and Unofficial) $5.65 Per Copy
Lab and course fees may be added to certain classes. In addition, testing fees may apply for certain programs.
旁听课程的学生(参加无学分课程的学生)将支付 与那些参加学分课程的学生相同的学费和费用.

区内老年人(利县55岁及以上居民) 学费可免,但须缴交适当费用.

Out-of-District Senior Citizen (65 & older) Tuition of $5.前六个小时每学时收费00美元 fees will apply. Hours over six will be charged the regular rate. 

Out-of-State Senior Citizen (55 & older) 学杂费按正常标准收取,不打折扣. 

Download a copy of tuition and fee here.

Payment Policy

All amounts owed to the College are payable within 48 hours to the 十大正规网赌软件 business office or through the Nelnet online payment solution如果学生支付(包括 经济援助(奖学金和付款计划)不会在48小时内处理 registration.  此付款政策适用于所有金额,包括学费和杂费、住宿费、 膳食计划、书店费用、因资金不足而退回的支票和费用 for student violations or damages to 十大正规网赌软件 property. 


Funding Options

即使十大正规网赌软件的学费很低,资助你的教育有时也会很复杂. 十大正规网赌软件将帮助您驾驭这一过程,并找到拯救您的机会 money.

1. Federal and State Financial Aid 联邦学生援助免费申请通常被称为FAFSA your first step. 看看你是否有资格获得有价值的助学金,学生贷款和 work-study jobs. Never assume that you won't qualify! Fill out the form get informed about your real options. To get started, go to FAFSA using 十大正规网赌软件's school code, 002655. 

For complete information, contact the Financial Aid Office.

2. Scholarships Scholarships are a great way to fund your education. More and more are made available every day, and they don't have to be paid back! You can apply for need-based scholarships 哪一个考虑到你的经济需要,和/或择优奖学金 are awarded for academic and personal achievement.

3. Payment Plan or Payment in Full Paying your tuition is easy with 十大正规网赌软件's NelNet Payment Plan. 它将你的开支按月支付,如果你提前计划,你就能支付 for a semester’s expenses over four or five months. 

To apply for the NelNet Payment plan, you must first access your New T-BirdWeb Portal. 进入门户后,有一个NelNet门户的链接. Having first set 通过NelNet注册您的帐户,您将有几个选项可供选择 on when you enroll. You have the option to pay classes in full. You can also set up 一个付款计划,允许你支付整个学期. Payment methods include Automatic bank payments (ACH) or credit and debit cards. A $25 enrollment fee (per 学期)将在注册时以付款计划进行评估. 

Get more information here.

4. Veterans' Benefits Financial benefits are available for veterans. For more information, please contact the veteran services.

十大正规网赌软件由新墨西哥州退伍军人服务部批准 Agency (GI Bill ®). 大多数十大正规网赌软件课程都是经过批准的,符合退伍军人的教育要求 assistance criteria under federal and state laws.

有资格从州外获得州内学费的学生可以获得学费减免 在各种联邦计划和州立法行动下的地位. For specific information, contact the VA Registrar.

符合条件的学生可以通过招生管理办公室申请VA福利 by submitting the proper form. The following forms are available:
• Entrance or Re-entrance into Training;
• Requests for Approval of School Attendance;
• Requests for Change of Program or School;
• Statement of Dependence;
• Application for Education Assistance; and
• Spouse or Children of Disabled or Deceased Veteran.

符合条件的学生的VA福利是根据全日制或兼职学术计算的 status. 全日制学生是指修满十二(12)个或更多学分的学生 throughout a 16-week semester.

在申请教育或培训计划时,学生必须 请附上退伍证明副本(DD-214),如适用,请附上婚姻正本 被称为受抚养人的儿童的执照和出生证明. As with other 十大正规网赌软件 通过退伍军人事务部获得教育福利的学生和退伍军人预计会 在可接受的学术水平上表现,并参加每节课. Each semester, 教师们都知道退伍军人享受教育福利. A student who 不符合教职员出勤标准或课程表现可能会被取消 from the class by the professor. When a veteran’s course load changes, VA will be informed immediately of the status change. The veteran will then be held liable for any over payment. 退伍军人被鼓励利用可利用的大学 counseling services. 每名退伍军人都被分配了一名指导教师 相对于课程计划、日程安排等方面的学术进展. The 专业顾问的服务也可通过退伍军人 college counseling office. The veteran who is experiencing academic difficulty is expected to take advantage of these services. For further information, visit or call 登记办公室的退伍军人援助人员.

根据美国法典第38章第3679(e)条,本教育机构采用 以下是对任何使用美国大学课程的学生的额外规定.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post-9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (Ch. 31)福利,而退伍军人事务部正在等待向该机构付款. This educational institution will not:
  • Prevent the student’s enrollment;
  •  Assess a late penalty fee to the student;
  •  要求学生获得替代或额外的资助;
  •  拒绝学生访问任何资源(访问课程、图书馆或其他资源) 学校设施)提供给其他缴交学费的学生 and fee bills to the institution.
  •  在上课的第一天出示VA资格证书(COE);
  •  Provide a written request to be certified;
  •  提供所需的额外信息,以正确证明所描述的注册 in other institutional policies.


GI Bill® Is a Registered Trademark of the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国退伍军人事务部网站.S. government website